Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Plans of Front Cover and Contents Page

I have drawn plans of my front page and contents.

Front Cover

Draft One of my Front Cover:

I first drew my front cover out like this, but it looked too crowded. So I decided to move the "Latino Loca" cover line and get rid of the text box which I had planned to surround some text. I also planned to move the headline left and shrink it a bit as I could not fit the whole title in!

Draft Two of my Front Cover:

I edited the front cover, but decided it still looked a bit crowded. Therefore, I decided to move the picture to the right and the cover lines to the left; this meant that I could have the cover lines down the left hand side and there could be less of them, meaning it would be less crowded. I could also enlarge the picture, which would reach out to the reader more.

Final Draft of Front Cover:

This is the final draft of my front cover. I definatley prefer the picture being on the left, and now have a clear idea how my photos and cover lines are going to fit together.

Contents Page

I found this alot easier to plan than the front cover, and was satisfied with my first draft.

I first wanted to have the picture on the left hand side, however, I altered this with the change of my front cover as it looked too simalar. I decided to put a picture in a circle in the middle so I can use text wrapping for each section of the contents. I decided to put a picture of my headphones on the right of the picture as it connotates music further.

I now feel much more confident about producing my front cover and contents page.

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