Monday, 7 December 2009

Preliminary Task

This is my preliminary front cover. It pictures a new year seven girl which introduces the main article "New Year Sevens- How are they settling in?". It also features other cover lines introducing the articles in the magazine. The Wilmington badge and a picture introducing another article, "Wilmington Month of Music" are featured, along with the price and date of the magazine.
In the main image the year seven girl, Charlotte, is smiling and seeming happy at her new school. This could enforce other year sevens to feel the same way and promotes the new year sevens as a positive note. I was going to use the photo's original background as the background for the photograph, but decided against it as the text was hard to read. The grey makes the maroon and blue stand out. Maroon and blue are school colours, so this keeps in the theme of the school. It also compliments the photograph, as Charlotte is wearing school uniform. The colours of the photograph are hence highlighted by the text.
The other image used is of a girl in year nine, Hannah. She is playing the keyboard in the music rooms with headphones on. This provides an insight to the article "Month of Music" and starts to describe the activities which the students have been undertaking.
As the target audience of the magazine is a small school community, having more than one photograph on the front cover could influence many of their friends or peers to buy it. This is why I have used a small photograph to introduce "Month of Music" on my homepage.
This is the contents page of my preliminary task of the school magazine. I have wrote each article of the magazine, listed into sections, and created text boxes specifying where the photos will be. The headings are "On the Cover", which would feature articles which have been mentioned on the cover's cover lines, "Regular Features", which would have articles in which have been weekly since the magazines beginning, "Sport Section", which would feature articles about sport with the school, "House News", which would feature news from each house such as how they are fairing in things such as house points, and the last section is "Pull Out Sixth form Section", which would have news for just sixth formers, which they can pull out of the main magazine.

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