Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Deciding my Music Magazine Name

I have narrowed the list of names down to a list of six and then I will ask people which they prefer with a survey.

Possible names and the reason justifying each
Alive - A symbol of the way the music makes one feel.
Avid- A word representing the eagerness towards the music and magazine.
Blaze- A synonym of fire, portraying the heat and power of music.
Coda- A musical term for the closing section of a movement.
Flash- A sudden and effective word representing impact and shock.
Struck- Has music connotations- the strike of a drum. A strong word with impact- the way I want the music magazine to be presented.

Possible Name and number of votes for each
Alive 2
Avid 2
Blaze 4
Coda 1
Flash 3
Struck 6

I asked 18 people which name they preferred out of the six possible names.
The results of my votes stated that STRUCK is the most popular name.
I am going to use this name as it is the one which was voted to stand out the most and I agree with the voters that it leaves the most impact and emphasis. It also has a musical link and is onomatopoeic. It leaves an impact on the reader, as it is a strong word with harsh constanant sounds.
This is vital for a music magazine, as the front cover needs to reach out to the audience and the name is a key factor in this. As this name was most popular with my friends who are people who would be in the target audience, I am opting for STRUCK as my name.

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